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Google PageRank | What | How | Importance

PageRank is very important for a website or blog. So today we will know what is pagerank and how it is measured also its importance.
Google PageRank

What Is Google PageRank

Basically Pagerank means how much your site is important in search engines.

How PageRank Is Measured

Pagerank is updated by google within 3 month. The things that is updated is backlink. If your site important than another site will create link with your site. The site who have lots of backlinks that site is also have good rank.

How To Increase PR (PageRank)

Increase your backlink.Increase your subdomain.
Add a page in your site dailyMake backlink from high PR site.
Don’t use same title in different page.

Importance Of PageRank

If your PR is low then you may not be able came first in search engines.
You may not get enough visitors.
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