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Meta Tag | Title Tag | Importance And Use

Meta tag is and title tag are very important for seo, today we will discuss about meta tag and its importance also about title tag.
meta tag

What Is Meta Tag

Meta tag is a tag from HTML which deliver important information about your webpage to search engine. Those tags don’t show on a browser. But for this tag web developers and search engine know about site author, date of website making, last update time.

Importance Of Using Meta Tags

Meta tags are importance for two things those are given below:
1. Meta tags helps to deliver information from a website or blog to (SERP) Search Engine Result Page.
2.It's also helps web developers and search engine for knowing about author and post time etc.

Title Meta Tag And Its Use

Title meta tags means a website’s headline or title. Title meta tag is not so important for SEO but a good looking title helps to get more visitors. Below are some tips for using tile tag:
1. Make title not more then 65 words.
2.,Try to use small title, but not make a meaningless title.
3. Avoid signs in title tag.
4.,Write a title so easily, that a reader can understand about the content.
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