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Recover From Google Penguin Update Survive Safely

Everyone of us is very much eager to know what will be the Google next Penguin Update.Many of us still fighting with Google Panda.Actually after Matt Cutt's announcement it is becoming very much important topic now a days.So today i am going to tell you about what is Google Penguin update and how to make a penguin friendly site for survive safely a website or blog from it.
"If you want to now about Google Penguin Update's upcoming features,then this post may help you."
 Google New Penguin Update

What Is Google Penguin

Google Penguin is a Google algorithm which is first introduced in April 24,2012.Google Penguin is actually made for choosing the right site for giving the right information.Many of web spammers are stealing Google first page by creating spam and some black hat SEO,for this reason many of website's remain last with having great quality and unique content,so Google made this Penguin for making the web spam free.

Making Penguin Friendly Site For Surviving Safely By Recovering Website From Google Penguin Update

Those tips may help you to recover you site from Penguin update.

Unique Articles

Write some unique articles for making your site popular in both Google search and readers.As we know Google likes more quality and unique content so if you want to stay safe from Google Penguin then write unique and quality content.
Read the post below so you can get some knowledge about it.

 Natural Backlinks

Don't use any tricks with Google as it is much smarter then us.So don't use any software's for creating backlinks.If anyone likes your post then they will automatically create a backlink for you.

Never Copy Paste

Never copy and paste in your site.Don't steal others content,otherwise Google will penalize you.

Drive Traffic

For a website traffic is heart,so if you don't have any traffic then you will never get popularity.But never use any automated bots for driving traffic to your site.

Crawler Friendy

Make a crawler friendly site so that Google can easily crawl your content.
Read this post:

Guest Posting

Guest posting is the great methods for driving traffic to a site,but if you post in those sites which are affected with Google Penguin and Google Panda then it will create loss for you.

Inbound Outbound Links

If you create outbound links with those site which are already a victim of Google Panda and Google Penguin then it will be harmful for you.Also it is same for Inbound links.

High Authority Backlinks

Try to build some high authority backlinks so that your site get much viewers and much popularity and also increase its PageRank.

White Hat SEO

Never try any kids of Black Hat SEO,always use White Hat SEO.Also remember one thing that never over optimize your site.
You may read this post:

"Always remember one thing, you have to be patience, never waste your time with thinking that...oh my god,,,when i will get too many Backlinks...?When i will get high PR...?Forget all those things.Be smart from now and always spent your time in writing quality and unique content.It is true that if you honest,one day success will come in your hand"
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