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Sponsoring YouTube Video With Google Plus

Hello all my friends,recently i have posted about How to earn money with YouTube. After creating a new channel it is necessary to promote your videos. Today i will show you how to share your YouTube videos to Google Plus for promoting your videos.
google plus youtube

Sharing YouTube Videos With Google Plus

Youtube is a famous video sharing site. Most of the peoples upload videos on YouTube. So lets know how to share your YouTube videos with Google Plus.
Firstly, go to your Google Plua account.
Then,from the first page of Google Plus click on stream.
Now, click on video icon.
After that from drop down menu click on YouTube.
google plus youtube drop down menu
Now a pop up menu will appear,these are Search,Enter a URL,Your YouTube videos.
Choose the option you want
Then,after adding your video to Google Plus click on share.
Finally, You are done.
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