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Tips To Claim Your Blog On Technorati

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Do you know that is the one of the largest Bloggers community in the world which has a high Google Page Rank 8.So if your site get listed in this site it will be great for you.But some people don't know how to get a Backlink from Technorati and  verify their claim token on Technorati and make their site listed.If your site get listed on Technorati and get a high Technorati authority then you cant imagine that how much traffic you will get,so lets check this out.
Recently Google announced that they are again updating new Google Panda,so my dear friends be aware.You may be also like to read some posts below:
Create Backlink Using YouTube
Google Panda Update 3.92
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Easy Steps To Claim Your Website On Technorati

My dear friends i don't like to give long lectures,so lets come to the point,just follow some easy steps below:
  • Go to
  • Sign up for a new account.
  • Give your sites URL and other things.
  • Now you will find a option named claim your blog,give your websites URL here and click on claim,see the picture below:

technorati claim
  • Then give your blog title,URL again and your blogs feed URL.
  • Then give your sites description and select appropriate tags and category for your blog.
  • Then proceed to next step.
  • After that they will give you a code which you have to add on your blog post.
  • Remember that you have to add this code on your post title.Don't worry you can delete this post after verifying.
  • After making a post with this code click on verify.
  • Then they will search for that code and confirm you.
  • You may now delete that blog post.
  • You are done.
  • Wait for 2 or 3 days they will fully verify you.
Hope you have liked this post,if so then don't forget to share this post and subscribe to this site.You may also like to read those posts below:
Make Money With Backlinks
Advertising Facebook Fan Page Free
Google Penguin Update
Social Recommendation Box For Blogger
Creating Mobile Site And Earning Money


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