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Google Panda 20th Algorithm Update

  Google Panda 20
What you are seeing its true.Google has created another Panda algorithm update in September 9th 2012.When all the webmasters are enjoying their holidays then Google are playing another update.We have names it Google Panda 20.So lets have a look about this new update.
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Features Of Google Panda 20th Data Refresh

Although this is the most highest affected Panda update.About 2.4% of English has been affected by this.We know that Google always like to make their Search Engine more powerful for this reason they always update their data.So always check your site's website's traffic status.If your visitors are coming as before this update then you are not affected nor improved.But if you are receiving more traffic after this update then its a good news for you,you site is liked by Google.
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