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Troubles in Increasing Page Rank

troubles in page rankAre you in trouble for making your blog or site ranking higher? Can’t get the point why your page ranking is not improving? Google Panda has make some changes in its algorithm of the page rankings and which page will comes after which one. Though Google keeps it secret, but you can improve your page ranking by following some rules. Here I am sharing some related rules: 
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Those who wants to increase their backlink by buying links they should know that you can get caught by Google while buying or selling links, so don’t waste time in this types of things, rather pay attention to the normal backlink of the page, also you can keep the system of guest postings in your blog. As backlink and link of other pages is important for your page, also in the same way internal links of your page is important too. Try your linking in such a way so that from any pages you can go to other pages of your sites. Post, backlink in to such blogs or forums of high ranking as much as possible. There are hardly anyone found who doesn’t havepro an account in facebook. Use your facebook account to increase value of your blog by creating events, fan page or groups and use these things to increase your fan. Social bookmarking sites are very useful for your page ranking, and Google is also taking this into account. You can use twitter too. Last advice, Google give special interest to the sites .edu and .gov, so if you can backlink here, it will be very good for you. Though it is very hard to get backlink in these sites.
Are you facing Problems in increasing PR?Share your thought with us.You may also like to read those posts below:


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  2. Hi,
    The blog is quite interesting and informative to read. I really liked the backlink part and the best approach to use the. I also agree with your opinion of using Facebook to increase the page rank of your website.
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