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Make Money By Selling Your Websites

In online most popular options is to sell a website you made.If your website is niche websites then the probability of selling will increase. Today I will show you how to make a website and sell it.
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Selling Website Online 

Taking Domain Name And Hosting 

First of all you have to think what kind of site your you are going to create. After that choose a domain name which is suitable for you. If you take a good domain name than you can sell it in good rate.
After that take a shared hosting for your site.

Making a Website 

There are various types of platforms for making a website. But I will recommend you to make it using WordPress. 
WordPress is very popular because of their content management system  (CMS) and which is made with PHP and Mysql blogging software. After that setup a theme from huge theme directory. After that install plugin like SEO,Analytics, Security and Backup. 

Making Rich and Unique Content 

After creating a site make some unique posts and do SEO for getting high rate.Don't copy paste on posts.

Selling Website 

After getting visitors it's your turn to sell it on other sites.There are lots of platforms for selling a website those are listed below :
  • is a Australian site where you can sell your website or domain.You can also go for auction for selling your website. 
  • is a good platform for selling a website like
You can also sell your site through forums and other websites. You can sell by personally contacting with other websites owners.

Some Important Factor For Selling Your Website In High Rate

  • Unique Content and design 
  • Old site and domain will get high rate
  • Niche keywords and Uncommon topic will get high rate
  • If you add shop or Ecommerce section then it will get high rate 
  • If your site is monetized then you will get high rate 
Hope you have understood now how to sell your website. Dont forget to comments and share.Also give me any kind of suggestions. 
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